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Two committees unique to the HG Community Association, LLC are the Operations Committee and Facilities Committee.
Facilities Committee
- Howard Levitan, Chair, NP1
- Joe Feely, Vice Chair: NP2
- Greger Andersen: P1
- Tom McMahon: NP1
- Sumner Field: NP2
- Chris Silver: NP2
- Barbara Lovely: NP3
- Ron Strand: NP3
- Bruce Ward: NP3
- Diane Snyder: Quarry P1
Operations Committee
- Sue Reed, Chair, NP3
- Anne Cole, Vice Chair: NP2
- Patti Vigilante: P1
- Carole Gilley: NP1
- Bob McArtor: NP1
- Linda Gillespie: NP2
- Barbara Combs: NP3
- Judy O’Keefe: NP3
- Pam Belford: Quarry P1
- Nancy Aliberto: Activities Committee Representative
- Sue Kent: Activities Committee Representative
Finance Committee
Receives the ensuing year’s proposed budget from the Director of Operations on June 1. Following review and potential changes, the Committee meets with all Co-op Boards to summarize and answer questions prior to the Co-op Budget ratification meeting in September. Also, receives monthly Community financial statements.
- Bob Perry, Chair, NP3
- Dick King, NP1
- John Gillespie, NP2
- Lou Bragaw, P1
- Don Murphy, S
- Nick Poulton, NP2
- Jay Friedland, NP3
- Kathy Fitch, NP1
- Jim Graham, P1
- Diane Synder, QP1, (non-voting member)
Reserve Analysis Committee
This Committee will work with the Director to review all expenses funded by the Common and Reserve models, their core cost, and suggested replacement schedule. An understanding of the software used to create the models is also a goal. Recommended changes in the model update at the January Co-op Meetings come from this committee.
- Lane Soltesz, Chair, NP2
- Jerry Hartz, P1
- Eileen Burns, P1
- Norm Curthoys, NP1
- Howard Levitan, NP1
- Joe Feely, NP2
- Rich Evans, NP3
- John Berry, NP3
- Rick Diamond, South
Reserve Investment Committee
This Committee works according to Reserve Investment Guideline with the goal of positioning the Reserve funds to outpace inflation by 2%. These reserve funds are not needed in the next 24 months, and are held at Charles Schwab.
- Chuck Howard, NP1
- Craig Mudge, NP2
- Greg Barmore, NP3
- Allen Tucker, South
- John Bancroft, P1
Government Affairs Committee
This committee reviews local and state government issues that impact HG residents.
- Lyn Adams
- Bob Allen
- Mike Nelson
- Ken Thorson
Activities Committee
The Activities Committee coordinates activities sponsored by residents. Committee normally meets the second Friday of the month to plan events and identify methods of supporting resident-sponsored events such as parties, group card games, trips to local events, etc. Please contact the Chairperson if you are interested in participating on this committee or on a special activity subcommittee.
The Mission Statement of the Activities Committee: The Activities Committee will provide HG (Highland Green) Residents with programs and events designed to enlighten, educate and entertain. Respectful of the diversity in the points of view of our residents, all Activities Committee programs will be free from fund-raising (except for those of the Committee itself), and from the promotion of any specific belief system or political viewpoint.
- Nancy Aliberto, Chair, NP2
- Secretary, Susan Kent
- Lee Barth
- Athene Cannon
- Polly Clements
- Gretchen Davis, Treasurer
- Linda Gillespie
- Terri Blanton
- Linda Butler
- Barbara Howard
- Sue Loebs
- Barbara Lovely
- Barbara Mangion
- Ellie McMahon
- Linda Rier
- Eirwen Soltesz
- Eve Thorson
- Barb Combs (calendar only)
- Carol Davis (calendar only)
Grounds Committee
This committee works with the Director of Operations, Grounds Services Supervisor, and the Highland Green Coop Boards in managing grounds care in the community (mowing, lawn applications and other services) provided under contract with Seacoast Management. Recommended changes in grounds management come through this committee.
- Bert Bolduc, Chair, P1
- Mel Passe, South
- Bryn Roberts, NP1
- Stan DeOrsey, NP2
- Stan Miller, NP3
- Dawn McNiece (non-voting), Quarry P1
Friendship Social Committee
This committee plans the Friendship socials, which are groups of around 8 people who socialize at a resident’s home for drinks and appetizers.
- Judy O’Keefe, Chair, NP3
- Barbara Howard
- Abby Pettee