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Tips on Simplifying and De-cluttering

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This week’s guest blogger is Liz Pattison of Simply Sized Home.


Also known as smart sizing or right sizing, downsizing is when someone moves from their home to one which may or may not necessarily be smaller, but is designed for easier living.

Is the idea of moving too overwhelming to think about? Do you have years of “stuff” that has accumulated?  Rest assured you are not alone.

It’s human nature to collect “stuff” over the years. Whether it’s an attic full of old family furniture, kids’ long-ago school projects and childhood trophies, books and photographs, every item has a story and brings back special memories.

If your “stuff” is holding you back from moving to a more comfortable, desirable and safe living environment, start de-cluttering today with these 7 easy steps.

  • Start Early – There is nothing more unsettling than needing to move quickly and being rushed into making hasty decisions. With ample planning, you can find homes for the once cherished possessions you no longer want or use. Eliminating these items EARLY in the process will ultimately save you time, energy and money. If you are storing things for family members, set a date for those items to be removed.
  • Start Small – Start with one room- a closet or dresser that can be completed in a couple hours. Sort things into “keep” “sell/ donate” and “trash” piles. You are downsizing, so make sure the items in your “keep” pile are going to be useful.
  • Books – Are you an avid reader but don’t plan on re-reading most of the books in your collection? If not, save your favorites and donate the rest. There are many libraries that have book sales and collect donations.
  • Be prepared to let go – How much use is your formal china getting that has been in the basement since your last move? If it means something to you, then use it. Otherwise, find someone who will. Maybe another family member or friend. Remember, you are decluttering. You don’t have room for things that are not going to be used. There are numerous charities that will gladly accept your donated items.
  • Ask for help – Having someone to keep you focused and stay motivated is essential. Additionally, another set of hands will help you process items much more quickly.
  • Paperwork – Financial and tax records older than 7 years don’t need to be kept. They can be shredded along with any other documents that contain personal information which are no longer needed.
  • Kitchen – The kitchen is an easy place to eliminate things. Get rid of duplicates (extra utensils, pots, pans etc.) and other items you don’t use. Tupperware a problem? Keep a few containers with lids and recycle the mismatches.

These small easy steps will de-clutter your home, AND your mind as well.

Learn about Simply Sized Home here.

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