Stay up to date on everything happening at Highland Green
Please note: To add to or revise this page, please email Highland Green Web Team.
Clubs, groups and amenities are broken into different categories below:
- At the Community Center
- Social Events
- In the Aerobics Room
- Behind the Community Center
- At the Highland Green Golf Course
- Other Outdoor Recreation, including hiking and day tripping
- Dining Groups
At the Community Center
Intermediate Bridge, Weekly, Monday
Come to the Community Center on Monday afternoons for Immediate bridge. For more information please email Pat Allen.
Mah Jongg, Weekly, Tuesday
Mah Jongg is held every week at the Community Center. You can play by just showing up and taking a seat. For more information please email Rebecca Levitan.
Art Jaunts, Varies as events are scheduled
Art Jaunts gathers for discussions and guest speakers involving all the arts, such as visual arts, crafts, theater, music, etc., and also coordinates visits to area museums and galleries, and other arts events. For more information please email, or contact either Co-Chair, Paul F. Mueller or Wim Burton.
The Art Jaunts Area Arts Guide is a bimonthly guide to area arts events within a 60-mile radius of Highland Green. This is not an exhaustive list, but does highlight the multitudinous “arts” opportunities that abound in Mid-Coast Maine. Use this guide to plan some of your own excursions to the many performing and visual art venues in the area.
Art Jaunts Area Arts Guide – March/April 2025
Art Jaunts Area Arts Guide January/February 2025
Cribbage, Weekly, Thursdays (except 1st Thursday of the month)
Cribbage is for people of all levels, meeting every Thursday from 10-12 in the gathering area of the Community Center. For more information, please email Tom Fitch.
Canasta, Weekly, Friday
Ever (or never) played Canasta and would be interested in joining a group of social canasta players on Fridays, 1-4, at the Community Center? We are happy to teach because it is easy to learn. It is a casual drop-in group. We play as teams or individuals, depending on how many people come on any given Friday. Generally, it is 8-12 people, but the more the merrier. For more information please email Kathy Connors.
Just-for-Fun Poker
Just for Fun Poker is an entertaining, low stakes, dealer’s choice game for intermediate poker players, to be played one Saturday evening per month at the HG Community Center, with prior registration required. If you are an intermediate player interested in being included on the email/sign-up list, please contact Isabel Silver. Please note: this club currently has a playing capacity of 24 on game night.
Handy Krafters, Weekly, Wednesday
For beginners, professionals and those in between who are interested in handcrafts — quilting, knitting, cross stitch, crewel work, sewing, and craft projects — this club meets every Wednesday at the CC from 1:00-4:00 pm (check the calendar for updates). For more information please email Ellie McMahon.
Art Club, Weekly Friday
Art Club is a place for people to gather and be creative! Whether it’s painting, collage, mixed media or digital, all are welcome. Join fellow residents to exercise your creativity in a relaxed group setting on Fridays from 9:30 to noon in the Community Center. For more information please email
Book Club, Monthly
Open to all, this club meets the second Thursday of each month from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the Community Center. The book club meets September – June. For more information and/or to be put on the email list, please email Sally Von Benken.
Book Club List for 2024-2025
- September 12 – The Rainbow Comes and Goes. Non-fiction. Cooper and Vanderbilt
- October 10 – The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store. Historical fiction. James McBride
- November 14 – The Personal Librarian. Historical Fiction. Benedict and Christopher
- December 12 – Master Thieves. Non-fiction. Stephen Kurkjian
For 2025:
- January 9 – How to Read a Book. Fiction. Monica Wood.
- February 13 – Solito. Memoir. Javier Zamora
- March 13 – The Women. Fiction. Kristin Hannah
- April 10 – The Violin Conspiracy. Fiction. Brendon Slocomb.
- May 8 – James. Fiction. Percival Everett.
- June 12 – Only if needed: North Woods. Historical Fiction. Daniel Mason
Lunch and Learn, Monthly
This bring-your-own-lunch-and-learn-something-neat activity is usually held once a month (usually the first Tuesday at noon) at the Community Center during the fall, winter, and spring to showcase local talent, such as authors, artists, academics, etc. Any resident may attend and there is a $2 donation at the door. For more information please email Ted Stainman or Barbara Stainman.
Green Steps, Monthly

Highland Green Community Garden, Varies with Season
The HG Community Garden Club is open to all interested residents. We tend the raised beds located between the tennis court and Community Center. Our goal is to raise money from the sale of our produce and donate funds to the Mid-Coast Hunger Prevention Program. We meet in the spring and fall to plan out the garden and to put it to bed. In between meetings, members sign up to water the garden and pick and sell produce. For more information please email Lee Dickson.
Social Events
The activities committee sponsor events through the year.
Name Tags: Please wear your name tags to social events. If you do not have a name tag, or have misplaced yours, email Nancy Aliberto.
Mess Kits: Please bring your “mess kit” (plastic plate, cup, utensils) to Activities Committee food functions to save on clean up time and to help keep HG Green.
In the Aerobics Room
There are many yoga classes for a 12 week session.
- Tuesday 8-9:30 Intermediate yoga
- Tuesday 10-11:30 Gentle yoga
- Thursday 10-11:30 Intermediate yoga
- Thursday 1:30-3 Gentle yoga
- Friday 9-10:30 Intermediate yoga
For more information and current availably please email Judy O’Keefe.
Behind the Community Center
Bocce has become a popular pastime with HG residents as it is easy to play by anyone. The Bocce court is to the right of the Community Center and down the hill. Equipment is in the blue box under the overhang at that end of the building. Rules are posted near the court. Social Bocce takes place for casual play on Thursday mornings and is open to both women and men. Anyone who wishes may play whenever the court is free. For more information please email Pat Davies.
Pickleball and Tennis
There is one tennis court and two pickleball courts on the north side of the community center. Lines for both tennis (white lines) and pickleball (yellow lines) are drawn on the court. The pickleball net markings are painted to help with placement if the net is off to the side. Rackets and ball for pickleball are in the aerobic area in a bin, below the TV. Every Sunday from 2-4 is open Pickleball for both men and women. For more information please email Howard Levitan.
At the Highland Green Golf Course
Women’s Golf Scramble
Men’s Scrambles
The Highland Green Men’s Senior Golf Scramble is held every Tuesday afternoon at 1:00. Please notify Tom McMahon by Sunday afternoon if you would like to play the upcoming Tuesday. Teams are picked on Monday.
For more information please email Tom McMahon or Don Murphy.
Other Outdoor Recreation
Guided Walks/Hikes
Past hikes with descriptions and directions on the Trail Walks/Hikes web page. Look for email from leaders for new local hikes.
Specialty Walks on Birding and Nature
Please look for outings highlighted in Management Matters by residents such as John Berry on Birding or Lisa Durrell for walks around the Heath, identifying plants and other interesting sights.
Dining Groups
Juliet’s is an acronym for “Joyful, Unique Ladies Imbibing, Eating and Talking”. Lunches are usually held monthly, 12:00 to 2:00 pm, at a local eating establishment. Two ladies act as hostesses choosing a restaurant that they like and feel we would all enjoy. For more information please email Reta King.
Romeo’s is an acronym for “Retired Outstanding Men Eating Out”. One luncheon at a local area restaurant is typically scheduled for each month – but not always. An email alert is sent to all HG men about two weeks before a scheduled lunch. We ask that you RSVP so that we can align the restaurant’s available wait staff with our needs. Recently, we have been having these lunches on Mondays but that is not always the case. Attendees begin to arrive about 11:30 am for socializing with sit down and food ordering taking place about noontime. For several years we have been collecting voluntary cash contributions for the MidCoast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP) located in Brunswick. For more information please email Ed Lovely or Jeff Cannon.
Women Without Partners
Women Without Partners, a social group for women of Highland Green who are single, divorced, or widowed. Gatherings, planned by the membership, are held at varied places and times throughout the year. For more information please email Diane Snyder.