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HG Community Association, LLC
The LLC was formed and is owned by the the five HG Coops for the purposes of acquiring the Community Center and conducting any other community wide endeavors that may assigned to it by the five Coop Boards.
The Members of the LLC are the five Coops. The Managers of the LLC with vote are the Chair and Vice Chair of each of the five Coop Boards. In addition, the Managers include any officers of the LLC who are not a Chair or Vice Chair of a Coop Board, but they do not have a vote. The current officers of the LLC are Don Auten as President, Lee Dickson as Vice President, John Berry as Treasurer and Howard Levitan as Secretary. Accordingly, Don and John are also Managers of the LLC, but without vote.
Each Phase has its own Board of Directors consisting of three elected resident members, two resident members appointed by HG Management, and two HG management representatives. The Board of each phase is formed as the phase nears completion.
The purpose of the Boards is to sustain a quality active adult community through a partnership among the residents, staff, and management. The Boards are designed to address policy and budgetary issues that concern management and residents and resolve community-wide issues to the benefit of the cooperative as a whole.
Unless otherwise indicated on the calendar, all meetings are held at the Community Center. Please check the Calendar for Quarterly Coop Board meetings, Annual Budget and Annual Meeting with the Election of board members.
*Denotes Management Appointee
Phase I Board
Streets included within Phase: Bittern, Flicker, Kinglet, Nuthatch, Pipit, Tanager, Towhee, and Wren
Board Members:
- Lee Dickson*- Chair
- Robert Candela – Vice Chair
- Lou Bragaw
- Nancy Kurtz
- Ellen Wood*
- Management Members: John Wasileski, Caryn Couture
North Phase I Board
Streets included within Phase: Flycatcher, Grosbeak, Grouse, Kestrel,Partridge, Sparrow, Thrush, Veery, Warbler, Waxwing, and Woodcock
Board Members:
- Howard Levitan – Chair
- Tom Fitch – Vice Chair
- Claire Corbin*
- Michael Nelson*
- Chuck Howard
- Management Members: Bob Rocheleau, John Wasileski
North Phase 2 Board
Streets included within Phase: Chickadee, Finch, Goldfinch, Junco, and Siskin
Board Members:
- Jeff Cannon* – Chair
- Craig Mudge – Vice Chair
- Lane Soltesz*
- Susan Fenn
- Linda Stephenson
- Management Members: John Wasileski, Caryn Couture
South Phase Board
Streets included within Phase: Heron, Kingfisher, and Redpoll
Board Members:
- Rick Diamond* – Chair
- Svend Strandbygaard – Vice Chair
- Ross Crolius
- Kay Hunter*
- Basil Richardson
- Management Members: Bob Rocheleau, Christian Haynes
North Phase 3 Board
Streets included within Phase: Aspen, Balsam, Honey Locust, Red Maple, Black Cherry, Basswood, Alder, Sugar Maple, Sycamore, Mountain Maple, and Larch Lane
- Bill Chamberlin* – Chair
- Sue Reed – Vice Chair
- Penny Paquette
- Tom O’Brien*
- Carrie Strasburger
- Management Members: Bob Rocheleau, Christain Haynes